The Pros and Cons of Watching an Ex’s Social Media Stories During No Contact

No contact is a popular strategy when it comes to dating. It involves taking a break from communication with your partner or ex-partner and allowing yourself some space to heal and find clarity. But what about the stories they tell about their life during this time?

Should you watch them? In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of watching someone’s stories during no contact, as well as potential pitfalls that you should be aware of.

Benefits of Watching His Stories During No Contact

Watching his stories during no contact can be a great way to stay connected without having to communicate directly. Not only does it allow you to keep up with each other’s lives, but it also makes it easier for both of you to express how you’re feeling without having to speak out loud.

Watching his stories can give you insight into what he may be thinking or feeling and can help provide comfort during the period of no contact. Watching his stories creates conversation topics when you do eventually talk again and allows for a smoother transition back into communicating regularly.

Reasons to Avoid Watching His Stories During No Contact

No contact is an important part of the process of getting over a breakup. During this time, it’s important to take care of yourself and focus on healing. Watching his stories can be emotionally draining and counter-productive to your healing process.

Here are some reasons why it’s best to avoid watching his stories during no contact:

It can be triggering: You may find yourself getting overwhelmed with emotions when you see him on social media. This can set back your progress in recovering from the breakup and make it harder for you to move on.


Xpress is a great dating site for those looking to start fresh and find new love. The site offers a wide range of features, including matchmaking, messaging, and virtual dates.

It also has an active community that can help answer questions about relationships and dating. In the context of no contact, Xpress is an excellent resource for gauging if your ex is watching your stories or not.


Milfaholic is a dating app that allows users to meet and interact with potential partners. The app emphasizes the importance of discretion, as it allows users to keep their conversations private and away from prying eyes. While this may be beneficial for those looking to maintain their privacy, it also raises questions about how safe Milfaholic actually is.

Seeking Arrangements

Seeking Arrangements is a dating app that has gained popularity in recent years for its unique approach to modern dating. The app allows users to connect with potential partners who are looking for mutually beneficial arrangements, such as financial support or companionship.

Although it can be an effective way of finding someone special, it is important to remember that there is still the potential for unhealthy relationships to develop. In this case, I would recommend against watching someone’s stories during a period of No Contact.


Should I watch his stories during no contact? It’s a tricky question to answer, and one that depends on the situation. On one hand, if you’re trying to cut off all contact with read more him as part of the no contact rule, then it might not be a good idea to continue watching his stories.

Tips for Monitoring Social Media During No Contact

When it comes to dating, one of the most important rules is to maintain no contact with your ex. This means that you should not call, text, or talk to them in any way. It also extends to social media; if you are trying to get back together with someone after a break up or if you want to simply remain friends, it can be difficult not to follow their every move online.

Alternatives to Watching His Stories During No Contact

There are many alternatives to watching your ex’s stories when you’re not in contact. It may be tempting to scroll through their stories, but it can lead to feelings of jealousy and resentment, which isn’t healthy for either of you.

Focus on Yourself: Instead of focusing on your ex, put your energy into something productive like taking a class or learning a new skill. Explore hobbies that interest you, join an online community with people who share the same interests as you, or even start writing a blog.

What is the purpose of watching his stories during no contact?

No contact is an important part of the healing process after a breakup, but it can be difficult to stick to, especially if your ex is all over your social media accounts. While it may seem like a good idea to watch his stories during this time, it’s important to remember that watching his stories could potentially make it more difficult for you to move on.

What could be the potential benefits or risks of watching his stories during no contact?

The potential benefits of watching your ex’s stories during no contact are that it can provide closure, help you to stay away from them, and allow you to move on with your life. On the other hand, the risks include feeling tempted to reach out or getting stuck in a cycle of obsessing over them. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide if this course of action is beneficial for your mental health and wellbeing.

Is it recommended to watch his stories even when you’re not in contact with him?

It is not recommended to watch someone’s stories during a period of no contact. It may be tempting, but it can be emotionally damaging and difficult to move on if you’re seeing what the person is up to while you are trying to heal. Instead, focus on yourself and your own life by taking time away from social media and go to this site engaging in activities that bring you joy.